4:45 am Alarm went off and the day began with a chill in the air. Perhaps the clouds and cold would go away by race time.
5:00 am My biggest fan, a.k.a. my wife, and I left for the race prepared to face the elements.
5:45 am We rolled into Buffalo and stopped at the local McDonald's for the last warm bathroom break I'd experience for the next 6 hours and to get breakfast for the fan club of one.
6:00 am Perfect parking spot located and grabbed.

6:05 am Contemplation of cold scenario for the day.
6:10 am Transition spot secured.
6:30 am Meet new triathlete friends and continue to set up gear.
6:45 am Porta-potty break
7:10 am Body marked on not so shaved legs.
7:20 am Gloves and toe-warmers purchased from Eriks Bike Shop tent. Saving grace for my toes!
7:30 am Wife sad there is no hot chocolate to be found at vendors.
7:45 am One more run to the porta-potty

8:00 am Quick ride on the bike to warm-up
8:15 am Tri Meeting
8:30 am Quick run to warm up my body and then squeeze into my wetsuit in the comfort of my warm car...
8:40 am Yet another run to the porta-potty...well, kinda.
8:50 Scampering to the beach
8:58 am Almost not finding my wave group
9:00 am In the chute

waiting wave group 4's start
9:08 am Air horn blasts and we all high-knee it into the lake
9:10 am See the first yellow duckie.....
9:53 am out of the water and half-way up the chute, spot my wife and declare that the swim was "rough."

Transition 1:- Wet suit off on the way to T1
- Struggled to put on arm warmers
- Fingers shaking too much to put on new gloves
- Lens from glasses popped out
Bike:- Dropped bottle at mile 4, had to pick it up
- Went really well, except for the crazy "moguls" on the first few miles (i.e. bottle drop)
- Passed loads of people, but was never passed
- Thankful for the toe warmers

Transition 2:- Found tying shoes difficult
- Didn't know which way to go for the run...had to ask in moment of confusion.

- Great!
- Super smooth
- Potty Break
- Still had good time considering potty break thrown in there
There you have it! Official times coming soon...