26.2..Below Virtual Marathon Race Report
The gang (_noodle_, Blazer86, jlbwalleye, and Jesse Spates) assembled at 8:00 a.m. for the big race. The weather gods sent us a mixed blessing this morning. The temp was 23, so a good 10 degrees above where it was Friday morning. The downside was that there was ½ an inch of snow on the ground. As our times will indicate, the snow played a significant role in preventing us from achieving our goal of cracking 3 hours. Given the conditions, the team was dressed for the worst:
_noodle_ was wearing his kilt along with goggle to keep the swirling snow out of his eyes
Jesse was wearing a full-blown, blaze-orange hunting getup just in case any deer hunters wandered out of the woods and mistook his loping stride for that of a whitetail
Jlbwalleye was sporting his IM finisher t-shirt in case anyone wanted to question his bona fides
Blazer86 was worried about drag from the wind whipping off the lake, so he came in his speed suit and fur hat...he got a fair number of funny looks, but claimed to be plenty warm once whe got going
After the obligatory team pictures, we hit the trail around the lakes. _Noodle_’s wife and kids were there with signs to cheer us on our way (thanks you guys). We initially set out a brisk, but doable 5:45 clip. Unfortunately after a few near misses on the slippery terrain, there was so much snow caked in our shoes that we were forced to dial it back to 8:15 or so, a much safer speed given the conditions. Since all but Blazer were a little unfamiliar with the route, we thought it would be much safer to stay together and run as a group lest anyone stumble into a pile of snow and end up lost for the winter.
As we struggled to fight our way through the drifts, we kept our spirits up by thinking about the French toast that was waiting for us at the end of the run. At mile 4.8 or so, we split into 2 groups, and despite losing our team solidarity, we managed to hold it together for the last 1.75. Group 1 (_noodle_, and Blazer86) finishied in 53:13. Jesse and jlb came in shortly thereafter in 54:40. Total time was 3:35:46, well inside the BQ time for our combined ages.
Breakfast was great, and everyone headed home around 10:15. Here’s to R&P for a great idea and to the rest of you that completed the Challenge. Hope everyone had as much fun as we did. Thanks to Mrs. Spates for not having a baby and forcing the rest of us to run an extra 2 miles!
What I am up to....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Week #2
I can describe this last week in one word, "OUCH!" My legs are not as accustomed to biking as I initially thought they were. Tuesdays workout began with 3 intense bike intervals followed by a run. I had meetings all day that required me to be sitting for hours. The entire time my legs were twitching. Needless to say "twitching" became the norm after every workout. As the week progressed, the symptoms of adaption slowly subsided. This week also taught me that 'OLD MAN WINTER' is coming. The PLAN says "Take 5 seconds and get your shoes on. Hit the road for this run." I don't think that Coach Rich and Coach Patrick understand that it requires much more then 5 seconds to get bundled up and run outside in November IN Minnesota. It takes 30 seconds just to get on the running tights on an already sweaty body. Then all of the other gear needs to be put on. If any thing, I will get wicked fast and getting dressed and improve my T1 time. Taking my cloths off is not a problem.
Having a big fan helps but makes the PIAN cave/TV room look a little sloppy. I keep on telling the kids that if they don't keep their rooms clean, "Daddy might turn your room into my workout room." Annika (my 5 year old) tells me that I smell and she doesnt want her room to smell like Daddy. When Annika gets up early in the morning, she usually finds her way into my arms and cuddles. Thursday morning, she came down stairs wrapped in her blanket and told me that my 'smell' woke her up and that she was 'going to go cuddle with mommy.' This week I might purchase some air fresheners and hag them all over the my bike.
Things happening this week:
Endurance Nation's virtual marathon relay challenge. I am getting together with 3 of my team mates and running a leg of a marathon around Lake Calhoun. This will be a fun event where we can have fun running in the cold together!! Video to follow
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Week #1
After taking 31 days off from all training I expected to be stiff and sore after the first week. But to my surprise, I feel great! That only means one thing, I am recovered and ready to TRAIN HARD!! This week I spent a total of 4 hours on the bike and 2:20 running, all at very high intensities. Endurance Nation's Off Season training plan focus on building FAR on top of FAST. So my heart rate is at 90% MAX most of the workouts. VERY HARD SWEATY EFFORT 

I also discovered that I need a new fan. My 4 inch fan I had in college over 13 years ago is not blowing enough air. I know this because I can't feel it blow on me when I am on the trainer. The fact that my feet land on very wet carpet when I step of the bike is a sure sign that there is not enough airflow. Gross. Sweaty, smelly carpet. My family did not sign up for that. I will be purchasing a mat to put under the bike and a fan this week.
I have been getting up at 5am to train in my basement. There is absolutely no light outside when I get up. I stumble to the basement trying not to wake my family, turn on the TV and ride.
On Friday, after my interval session, I walked up the stairs, looked out the window and saw SNOW!!
My Kids first response was, "How many days till Christmas?" The snow was gone by the end of the day. Snow was the reminder that we live in Minnesota and of what is to come. Hopefully my decision to sell the motorcycle and purchase a Tri bike instead of a snow blower, will not haunt me this winter.
Things I'm doing next week: Working (3 full days of meetings), Training, Entertaining and sleeping. See you next week! Josh
Monday, November 3, 2008
After after 2 months of keeping it to myself, I have officially communicated my goal to complete Ironman Wisconsin to my immediate family today via video.

I can't believe my kids didn't slip up and tell them yesterday at brunch. I am excited to have them be apart of this journey with me.
The 'pain cave' (my home workout room) is complete. I have the bike on a trainer and a little fan to keep me cool. However, after my test rides last week, I think I need to get a bigger fan.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Off Season. Workouts will total 6-8 hours a week. Easy. But wait, all of the 6-8 hours are at a VERY HIGH INTESNITY. There are no volume goals at all, only INTENSITY. Everyone at Endurance Nation is ready. I am thankful that my teammates and I will be experiencing this with me.
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